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The Best Playground Chips For Safe And Fun Play

Title: The Best Playground Chips for Safe and Fun Play


Playgrounds are a great place for kids to run, play, and have fun. But they can also be dangerous if there is not a safe surface to land on if they fall. Playground chips are a popular choice for playground surfacing because they are soft and absorbent, which helps to cushion falls and reduce the risk of injury.

In this blog post, we will discuss the best playground chips for safe and fun play. We will cover the different types of playground chips available, the benefits of using playground chips, and how to choose the right playground chips for your needs.

Main Content:

Types of Playground Chips

There are two main types of playground chips: wood chips and recycled rubber chips. Wood chips are made from shredded wood, while recycled rubber chips are made from recycled tires.

Wood chips are a natural and organic material, which makes them a popular choice for playgrounds. They are also relatively inexpensive. However, wood chips can be messy and require more maintenance than recycled rubber chips.

Recycled rubber chips are a synthetic material, but they are still soft and absorbent. They are also more durable than wood chips and require less maintenance. However, recycled rubber chips can be more expensive than wood chips.

Benefits of Using Playground Chips

There are several benefits to using playground chips:

  • They are soft and absorbent, which helps to cushion falls and reduce the risk of injury.
  • They are natural and organic, which makes them a good choice for playgrounds in natural settings.
  • They are relatively inexpensive.
  • They are easy to maintain.

How to Choose the Right Playground Chips

When choosing playground chips, there are a few factors to consider:

  • The age of the children who will be using the playground. Younger children are more likely to fall, so you will need a softer surface.
  • The type of playground equipment. Some playground equipment, such as swings, can cause more wear and tear on playground chips than other equipment.
  • The climate. If you live in a cold climate, you will need playground chips that are resistant to freezing.
  • The budget. Playground chips can range in price from a few dollars to several hundred dollars per cubic yard.


Playground chips are a safe and fun way to surface a playground. They are soft and absorbent, which helps to cushion falls and reduce the risk of injury. They are also natural and organic, which makes them a good choice for playgrounds in natural settings.

When choosing playground chips, there are a few factors to consider, such as the age of the children who will be using the playground, the type of playground equipment, the climate, and the budget.

With so many different types of playground chips available, you are sure to find the perfect ones for your needs. So get out there and start building a safe and fun playground for your kids!

If you are interested in learning more about playground chips, I recommend visiting Garden Wiki. This website provides a wealth of information about the different types of playground chips available, as well as the benefits of using them. You can also find a list of local suppliers on the website.

FAQ of playground chips

  • What are playground chips?

    Playground chips, also known as engineered wood fiber, are a type of ground covering material that is made from recycled wood. They are often used in playgrounds because they are soft and cushioning, which helps to protect children from injury if they fall.

  • What are the benefits of using playground chips?

    There are many benefits to using playground chips, including:

    • They are soft and cushioning, which helps to protect children from injury if they fall.
    • They are porous, which allows water to drain through them, helping to keep the playground dry.
    • They are relatively inexpensive.
    • They are easy to maintain.
  • What are the drawbacks of using playground chips?

    There are a few drawbacks to using playground chips, including:

    • They can be slippery when wet.
    • They can be tracked into homes and businesses.
    • They can harbor insects and pests.
  • How often should playground chips be replaced?

    The frequency with which playground chips should be replaced depends on a number of factors, including the amount of traffic the playground receives, the type of wood chips used, and the climate. In general, playground chips should be replaced every 3-5 years.

  • What are some safety considerations for playground chips?

    There are a few safety considerations that should be taken into account when using playground chips, including:

    • The chips should be free of debris and sharp objects.
    • The chips should be installed in a way that prevents them from becoming a tripping hazard.
    • The chips should be kept dry to prevent them from becoming slippery.

Image of playground chips

  1. Chips in a pile: This image shows a pile of playground chips in a variety of colors. The chips are made from untreated wood and are free of hazardous chemicals.
  2. Chips around a tree: This image shows a tree surrounded by playground chips. The chips provide a soft landing for children who fall from the tree.
  3. Chips under a swing set: This image shows a swing set with playground chips underneath. The chips help to cushion the impact of children who fall from the swings.
  4. Chips in a sandbox: This image shows a sandbox filled with playground chips. The chips provide a soft and safe place for children to play.
  5. Chips around a slide: This image shows a slide surrounded by playground chips. The chips help to cushion the impact of children who slide down the slide.
  6. Chips in a climber: This image shows a climber with playground chips underneath. The chips help to cushion the impact of children who fall from the climber.
  7. Chips in a water feature: This image shows a water feature with playground chips around it. The chips provide a soft and safe place for children to play in the water.
  8. Chips in a sensory garden: This image shows a sensory garden with playground chips around it. The chips provide a soft and safe place for children to explore the garden.
  9. Chips in a wildlife area: This image shows a wildlife area with playground chips around it. The chips provide a soft and safe place for children to observe wildlife.
  10. Chips in a school playground: This image shows a school playground with playground chips all over it. The chips provide a soft and safe place for children to play.

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